Math 6

Laurie Lamb, Instructor

This class introduces new concepts as well as providing a review of concepts taught in elementary school. It is an ideal transition from elementary to secondary math. Topics covered are addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of whole numbers, fractions, and decimals; plane figure geometry with perimeter, area, and volume; equations; and ratios, proportions, and percents.

Prospective students will be required to take a placement test.

Math 6 and English 6 are a combined class. Since there are two different lesson plans to work through, the yearly cost for the combined class is $800.


Fundamentals of Math 7

Laurie Lamb, Instructor

Using the Bob Jones Fundamentals of Math textbook, this class will review and refine necessary skills needed for Pre-Algebra and Algebra 1. Whole numbers, decimals, number theory, fractions, rational numbers, percents, measurement, geometry, area/volume, probability/statistics, integers, algebra, and relations/functions will be covered. No high school credit awarded for this course.

Prerequisite: Students must have proficiency with multiplication tables through 12.


  • BJU Fundamentals of Math Student Text (2nd edition), ISBN-13: 9781628560725


Anthony Myers, Instructor

Using the Bob Jones PreAlgebra textbook, this course will develop and refine necessary skills needed for Algebra 1. A thorough review of operations on integers, fractions, decimals, percents, and radicals will be given, as well as using algebraic expressions and linear equations throughout the course. (Some accountability associations award high school credit for this course if taken in 9th grade. Check with your association. If you are taking this for a high school credit, you will need to speak with Mr. Myers.)

Prerequisite: Fundamentals of Math, or a placement test.

Textbook/Materials: BJU Press PreAlgebra Grade 8 Math Student Text 2nd Edition (you do not need the Student Activities Manual)

ISBN: 1628562919 or 9781628562910

Purchase Online: New or Used on Amazon

Calculator Required: Scientific or TI-84 Plus