
From the Commission on Higher Education:

Science requirements for all students entering a 4-year public college in SC starting in 2019-2020:

THREE UNITS OF LABORATORY SCIENCE: Two units must be taken in two different fields of the physical, earth, or life sciences and selected from among biology, chemistry, physics, or earth science. The third unit may be from the same field as one of the first two units (biology, chemistry, physics, or earth science) or from any laboratory science for which biology, chemistry, physics and/or earth science is a prerequisite. Courses in general or introductory science for which one of these four units is not a prerequisite will not meet this requirement. It’s strongly recommended that students desiring to pursue careers in science, mathematics, engineering or technology take one course in all four fields: biology, chemistry, physics, and earth science.

Please check with your accountability organization to verify their science requirements for graduation. Also, please note that the above requirements are for public colleges. Private colleges might have different requirements. Please contact your college of interest to verify.

Biology I (College Prep with Honors Option)

Katherine Schilling, Instructor

Biology I is a challenging course intended for 8th and 9th graders, but is suitable for higher grades. It focuses on zoology, botany, and microbiology of our earth as well as exploring genetics and creationism, intelligent design, and evolution. Lab investigations will include microscopic observations and dissections (earthworm, grasshopper, crayfish, frog, shark, rat, flowers, and fruit). Students will be required to complete worksheets and study guides, keep a lab notebook, and complete reading assignments. Additional evaluation will include quizzes, tests, and exams. This thorough study gives students an excellent picture of God’s creation. The honors option requires additional work including a science fair project presentation.

Prerequisites: Pre-algebra

*Important: students should be able to tolerate dissections and blood typing, as participation in these activities is an integral part of the class.

Lab fee: $75.00

Textbook: Exploring Creation with Biology, 3rd ed, Vicki Dincher, 2020 (Textbook only); Apologia Educational Ministries; ISBN-13: 9781946506450

Computer access to the internet is also required.

Chemistry I (College Prep with Honors Option)

Katherine Schilling, Instructor

Chemistry is a course intended for 9th and 10th graders that stresses the marvels of God’s design by exploring creation on a molecular level. Students will obtain a firm grasp of their world by studying organic, inorganic, and biochemistry and through lab study. Topics include accuracy and precision in measurement, the scientific method, atomic and molecular theory, balancing equations, acid-base chemistry, gas laws, stoichiometry, thermodynamics, equilibrium, and kinetics. Students will be required to complete worksheets and lab reports as well as reading and research assignments. Additional evaluation will come from quizzes, tests, and exams. Honors option requires additional work including a science fair project.

Prerequisites: Algebra I, Biology I

A math placement test may be required for any student who has not taken a math course through the MHSRC. Placement tests will be given at the MHSRC in April or early May.

Lab fee: $75.00

Textbook: Exploring Creation with Chemistry, 3rd ed, Kristy Plourde, 2014 (Textbook only); Apologia Educational Ministries, ISBN-13: 978-1940110257

Computer access to the internet is also required.

Earth Science (College Prep with Honors Option)

(On Hiatus 2025-2026)

Katherine Schilling, Instructor

Earth Science is a good alternative to physics as a third lab science. Each quarter will cover one of four different aspects of the physical environment: the geology and topography of the earth, oceanic characteristics and features, elements of weather and meteorology, and the astronomy of our solar and galactic neighborhood. This course will present and compare secular and Christian worldviews and will help students to appreciate the care with which God created our world. Students will be evaluated through tests, quizzes, lab activities and reports, class worksheets, and projects. Honors option requires additional work including presenting individual and team projects in class.

Prerequisites: Algebra I

Textbook:  Discovering Design with Earth Science, Jay Wile, 2021 (Textbook only), Berean Builders; ISBN-13: ‎ 978-0996278430

Computer access to the internet is also required.

Lab fee: $75.00

Environmental Science (Online Asynchronous College Prep with Honors Option)

Katherine Schilling, Instructor

Intended for eleventh and twelfth graders, Environmental Science is a good alternative to physics for a third lab science. Topics will include physical and biological components of the environment, earth science, ecology and ecosystems, population dynamics and biodiversity, environmental effects on human health, and climate change. This course will present and compare secular and Christian worldviews to help students appreciate the care with which God created our world and to understand complex and controversial environmental issues. Students will work through the curriculum using online videos and articles, textbook reading, investigations, and projects. All lecture notes will be accompanied by audio lecture, and students are encouraged to post questions, opinions, and ideas on Google Classroom. Students will complete labs at home using online resources and lab kits provided by the teacher. Honors students will meet once each semester in person to complete additional labs that require more specialized equipment. Students will be evaluated through tests, homework assignments, lab activities, reports, and projects. Honors option requires additional work including final project presentation.

Prerequisites: Biology I, Chemistry I, Algebra I

Textbook:  Environmental Science, Heithaus and Arms, 2013 (Textbook only), Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, ISBN: 978-0-547-90401-6

Computer access to the internet is also required.

Lab fee: $75.00

Physics I (College Prep with Honors Option)

(On Hiatus 2025-2026)

Katherine Schilling, Instructor

Intended for eleventh and twelfth graders, Physics is a good third lab science course as is required for graduation. This course will stress the marvels of God’s design of the universe and the laws that govern it. All sixteen chapters of the curriculum will be covered, and students will complete lab reports, reading, and research assignments. Additional evaluation will come from quizzes, tests, projects, and exams. Topics will include: kinematic equations, motion and forces, vectors, Quantum Theory and Relativity, circular motion, periodic motion, energy and work, optics, electricity, and magnetism. To build engineering skills, students will work in teams to design and construct apparatus to meet specifications and to analyze forces and motion with with their projects. Honors option requires additional work including presenting a final project.

Prerequisites: Algebra II, Chemistry I

Textbook:  Exploring Creation with Physics, 2nd edition, Dr. Jay Wile, 2008 (Textbook only), Apologia Educational Ministries; ISBN: 978-1-932012-42-2

Computer access to the internet is also required.

Lab fee: $75.00

Chemistry II (College Prep with Honors Option)

(On Hiatus 2025-2025)

Katherine Schilling, Instructor

This course will take topics from the first year Chemistry and apply them to more complex situations. Additional topics will include limiting reagent stoichiometry, atomic and molecular orbital theory, intermolecular forces, solutions and equilibria, acids and bases, electrochemistry and redox reactions, nuclear chemistry, and organic chemistry. In addition to reading the text, students will be required to complete worksheets to practice problem solving and participate in laboratory experiments, . Honors option requires additional work including reading technical articles and presenting a final project.

Prerequisites: Algebra II, Biology, Chemistry I

Students should have a good understanding of logarithms and must have earned a 80 average or higher in Chemistry I. Students who did not take Chemistry I from Mrs. Schilling must take a placement test. Admission to the class will be decided by Mrs. Schilling based upon performance on this placement test.

Lab Fee: $75.00

Textbook: Advanced Chemistry in Creation, 2nd edition, Wile , 2010 (Textbook only); Apologia Educational Ministries; ; ISBN-13: 978-1935495239

Computer access to the internet is also required.

Advanced Biology/Human Anatomy & Physiology (College Prep with Honors Option)

Katherine Schilling, Instructor

This is a rigorous course recommended for students interested in pursuing any career related to biology or medicine. Course work will require strong self motivation to memorize many terms and complete complex assignments for each system of the body. The reward will be a good familiarity with the structure and function of the human body. The material is presented with a Christian worldview to enhance and augment appreciation and understanding of the wonder of the human body. Lab work will include microscopic observation of various cell and tissue types, dissection of mammalian organs (comparative with human anatomy), and a systemic dissection of a fetal pig. Additional topics covered include forensics and medical terminology. Honors option requires additional work including presenting a final project.

Prerequisites: Biology I, Chemistry I 

*Important: students should be able to tolerate dissections and blood typing, as participation in these activities is an integral part of the class.

Lab Fee: $75.00

Textbook: Exploring Creation with Advanced Biology: The Human Body, 2nd edition, Shannon & Yunis, 2013 (Textbook only); Apologia Educational Ministries; ISBN-13: 978-1935495727

Computer access to the internet is also required.